martes, 31 de marzo de 2009

Drowning our feelings

How can you hide your feelings?

When we were teenagers we felt a lot of new feelings, emotions, sensations, new things that are not always good, most of the new feelings made us felt bad, sad, etc, and we had to choose a way to hide this feelings, but, is a good way, drown our feelings in alcohol?

According to a web article: “most teenagers start drinking as a celebration, for excitement or under peer pressure”[1]. But in the other hand a huge percentage of teenagers start drinking in an answer to their problems. Teenagers feel like everything is a problem without solution, and if they don’t have a good friend or a good relationship with their parents, or just someone in they can trust, they search a way to give a solution to their problems, and one of that is drink, because when they drink they forget what they are living.

When a teenager drink, who has the blame? I personally believe that is fault of the parents, because even if they have not a good relationship with their kids, they have to always be alert of what their kids are doing, what they are living, which are their feelings, because friends , not always can put up like a father or a mother. Trust and communication between parents and kids, is the solution to prevent an alcoholism problem.

In all ages of our life, we are feeling new sensations, but is in the adolescence when we are more vulnerable to become a little thing in a huge problem, and of course we want to a solution for that problem. I strongly and personally believe that drown our feelings in alcohol is never the answer. The answer is search a way to become the problem in a experience, in a way to learn.


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